The John Simonis
Art Gallery
Is an on line museum dedicated to the legacy of art produced by John Simonis the man and the artist
Contemporary realism/impressionism of nostalgic landscapes & War-time Commemorative scenes
Rare Original Glossy Oils & Very Limited Edition Prints
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John created his works for everyone to enjoy. It was his desire to share the fruits of these challenges in his chosen medium with everyone.
For this reason we are proud to offer an affordable edition to select pieces in 16"x 20" canvas prints. The first of these is John's 'Light on the Forest Floor' completed in 1983. While this piece is already available to collectors in limited edition format signed and numbered by the artist, it is now also available here.
95.00 $$ plus shipping.
With 12% going to Minnesota DAV Your purchase of this item yields 8.00 $$ to a very worthy cause.
At the same time, these prints too are extremely rare as they are produced in very limited numbers based on collector interest. The warm glowing variations of this timeless scene are signature stamped and signed for authenticity.
Now you can own a valuable J. Simonis rendering for less. Browse our site and watch for updates on future additions to this alternate means of purchase becoming available to anyone interested.