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'Three Turnin, One Bunin' One of John's latest contributions; Glossy Oil on stretched canvas 36" X 24" was passed on to his grandson Douglas when he had expressed how much he liked it. I am sure that physical viewings of this piece can be arranged upon scheduling and availability.

Here we can see, John took on the challenges of shadow and reflection in this piece as he is sure to detail the damaged B2 bomber's reflection in the waves as it struggles to maintain flight over the sea just feet below.

The action conveyed in this piece is nail biting. A depiction of one lone, critically damaged flying fortress limping its way back to base. at this point the crew aboard is uncertain if they'll ever see their families again. These men were our grandfathers and brothers and uncles and many fell with the unfortunate. I recognize this painting as a monument to the grit and nerve of every crew member that served in these missions.


Above is simply how the original would look had it been done in ink... another medium I recall dad practiced  frequently in the living room while he was watching the hockey game or something. He had a sketch pad and smoked a pipe like a number of artists I've seen in illustrations. He'd have his cheap can of beer on the coffee table next to him taking a gulp or a sip as he worked. Of course if it were morning or the middle of the day, he liked his coffee, so that would have been the likely alternative. 

How time goes by...

I was twenty-four when he completed this.


'Three Turnin One Burnin 36"x 24" Glazed oil
'Three Turnin, One Burnin' 48"x32" custome canvase print

 Now in the gallery this 48" x 32" custom canvas; are stamped, signed and numbered for authenticity.

 It is available for purchase. Only 160.00$$

And let us not forget.

Twelve percent of this purchase goes to the Disabled American Veterans of Minnesota, a very worthy cause. So why not purchase one today. It is easy. It is secure. And it is the right thing to do.

'Three Turnin One Burnin' 48"x32" custom canvas print.

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 The John Simonis Art Gallery donates 12% of all sales exclusively to 'Minnesota Disabled American Veterans Chapter' 

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Contact Information;

RTS JS Gallery  

212 East 2nd St. Suite 1

Hastings, Mn. 55033



T: 651-307-4321

July 2017 created by John's son Raymond Simonis through

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