The John Simonis
Art Gallery
Is an on line museum dedicated to the legacy of art produced by John Simonis the man and the artist
Contemporary realism/impressionism of nostalgic landscapes & War-time Commemorative scenes
Rare Original Glossy Oils & Very Limited Edition Prints
Completed in 1988 'Jocelyn's Gift' is a glossy oil still-life of a small corner of the Simonis home when they lived on Irvine Avenue.
Of all the various objects one notes the little white bear at the base of the lamp next to the ash tray. Even the arm of the chair beside the unique coffee table that has everything sitting on it, brings to mind recollections of the green felt material on the two easy chairs Grandma and Grandpa handed down to us all those years ago.
But at the bottom of that little white bear was an inscription commemorating his youngest daughter Jocelyn's birth in 73.
One of the things Dad applied to his works was working with the lighting in context with a given scene. It is obvious to the viewer of that endeavor here as the shadows direction make up a significant part of the end product